Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Trailer Park Tuesday: The Rules of Inheritance by Claire Bidwell Smith

Welcome to Trailer Park Tuesday, a showcase of new book trailers and, in a few cases, previews of book-related movies. Unless their last name is Grisham or King, authors will probably never see their trailers on the big screen at the local cineplex. And that's a shame because a lot of hard work goes into producing these short marriages between book and video. So, if you like what you see, please spread the word and help these videos go viral.

Claire Bidwell Smith has hiked deep into the valley of grief--she lost both of her parents to cancer by the time she was 25--and she's emerged from those dark shadows with a memoir that, among other things, reassures us "grief can be beautiful at times."  As she says in the trailer, The Rules of Inheritance "is about walking out into the world and not being afraid of it."  The trailer is mostly a talking-head video with a few family photos scattered throughout, but I think Smith does a great job of lucidly explaining her book to readers--not an easy thing with all those complicated emotions lying restless on the page.

1 comment:

  1. Smith's heart-felt, intelligent discussion draws me to her memoir, especially her observation that grief is an expression of love.


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