Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Trailer Park Tuesday: The After Wife by Gigi Levangie Grazer

Welcome to Trailer Park Tuesday, a showcase of new book trailers and, in a few cases, previews of book-related movies.  Unless their last name is Grisham or King, authors will probably never see their trailers on the big screen at the local cineplex.  And that's a shame because a lot of hard work goes into producing these short marriages between book and video.  So, if you like what you see, please spread the word and help these videos go viral.

I've never read any of Gigi Levangie Grazer's novels (including Maneater and The Starter Wife) and to be perfectly honest, I probably never will.  But one thing I know: Gigi is a damned good sport.  In this trailer publicizing her new novel The After Wife, the California author's cool and sexy demeanor is shaken when she pays a visit to a book club which may or may not have read her novel.  It's a straight-faced trailer until the :55 mark.  That's when things get a little weird and hilarious.  I sometimes wonder if something like this will happen to me when I visit book clubs.  I mean, should I be showing up with a copy of The Hobbit just in case the book club organizer misheard the title of my novel?

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