1. The New York Times Magazine's Charles McGrath nicely sums up the cut-short life of Stieg Larsson and the subsequent squabbling over his estate. I've yet to read any of the "Girl" novels, but The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
2. Another Dead Author Honored: JG Farrell is the winner of the "Lost" Booker award 40 years after he should have rightfully claimed the prize: "Troubles
3. More from the Better-Late-Than-Never Dept.: A Civil War soldier will get the Medal of Honor....147 years after Gettysburg.
4. January Magazine has a capsule review of Mary Sharratt's new novel The Daughters of the Witching Hill. I really enjoyed her previous novel The Real Minerva
5. Over at HiLowbrow, Joshua Glenn takes us on a tour of Young Adult Science-Fiction (1964-1983). Back when I was a YA, I wasn't really into robots, spaceships and scantily-clad women on Venus (okay, maybe I was into that). I might have read a Tom Swift here and there and I do recall making it through A Wrinkle in Time
6. Speaking of traveling, it's back to the Island for one more look at The Books of Lost over at Paste Magazine. I'd forgotten about Ben Linus' use of the Henry Gale alias. This just fuels the fire of my theory that tonight's finale will be something like the end of The Wizard of Oz:
UNCLE HENRY: She got quite a bump on the head -- we kinda thought there for a minute she was going to leave us.
DOROTHY: But I did leave you, Uncle Henry -- that's just the trouble. And I tried to get back for days and days.
AUNT EM: There, there, lie quiet now. You just had a bad dream.
HUNK: Sure -- remember me -- your old pal, Hunk?
HICKORY: And me -- Hickory?
ZEKE: You couldn't forget my face, could you?
DOROTHY: No. But it wasn't a dream -- it was a place. And you -- and you -- and you -- and you were there.
(others laugh)
DOROTHY: But you couldn't have been, could you?
AUNT EM: Oh, we dream lots of silly things when we --
DOROTHY: No, Aunt Em -- this was a real, truly live place. And I remember that some of it wasn't very nice....
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