1. This just in from the Please-Just-Make-It-Stop Dept.: What do Yogi Bear and F. Scott Fitzgerald have in common? Apart from the obvious love of peanut-butter-and-anchovy sandwiches, the Jazz Age writer may soon join the Jellystone bruin in the realm of 3-D movies. That's if director Baz Luhrmann has his way with the filming of The Great Gatsby
...a “Gatsby” movie needs a director who isn’t interested in worshipful fidelity, who doesn’t even to try to translate the book’s endless unfilmable aspects into celluloid, and who makes the most of the cinematic side of “Gatsby” instead — the lifestyles of the rich and famous backdrop, the dialogue and repartee, the boorishly entertaining secondary characters (from Tom Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson to Meyer Wolfshiem and the man in owl-eyed spectacles), the big physical set-pieces (parties, fights, car crashes, murder) and the whole wild Jazz Age ambience.Yeah, okay. But 3-D? Really? If I wasn't convinced of the gimmick's added value to films by the latest Tron, then what's going to get me into a theater to watch a flapper's dress reach out and smack me in the face?
2. Ever wonder what the libraries of Oprah, Rod Stewart, and Greta Garbo look like? No? Neither did I, but this gallery of heavy-laden bookcases at Flavorwire is an interesting tour of homes belonging to Those Who Are Not Like The Rest of Us. That's fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld's overpowering collection pictured above.
3. The game is afoot in three new books surrounding the mysteries which surround the Sherlock Holmes mysteries. Yvonne Zipp sorts out all the elementary details in her review at The Washington Post. Graham Moore's The Sherlockian
4. The Story Prize finalists have been announced: Memory Wall
5. And dubious congratulations go out to Washington, D.C. which tops the rankings of "most literate cities" in the United States. No matter what Sarah Palin says, youse guys in the Capitol City aren't stoopid.
6. Speaking of which, am I the only one who thinks this vlog of Ross Everett at a Snooki
I agree with you on 3D for Gatsby. It seems really unnecessary to me, and maybe even distracting. I hope they decide against that!