Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Help Me Win a Trip to Book Expo America

Dear Loyal Blog-Reader-Who-I'd-Hug-the-Very-Breath-From-Your-Lungs-and-Bake-You-Chocolate-Chip-Cookies-Every-Day-If-I-Could:

The Quivering Pen is one of 800 blogs entered in the Independent Book Blogger Awards competition, sponsored by Goodreads and the Association of American Publishers.  Your vote could help send me to the annual Book Expo America shindig in New York City this June.  Not only would I get to rub elbows with industry professionals (and slip Advance Reading Copies of Fobbit into their book bags when their backs are turned); but I'd also get to hear literary heroes like Michael Chabon, Junot Diaz and Zadie speak; finally meet my editor at Grove; and taste a New York bagel for the first time.  Surely that's worth a mouse-click of your time.

The fine print: Voting continues until 11:59 pm EDT, Monday, April 23.  The polls allow one vote per person in each of the four categories, and voters must be Goodreads members (it's free and relatively painless). When polls close, the top 15 blogs in each category will become finalists. Winners will be selected from among the finalists by a panel of industry judges. Each of the four category winners will receive a pass to BookExpo America (June 5-7, 2012) with airfare and hotel accommodation in New York City.

Here's the complete list of entrants, which also includes several of my own favorite blogs, including Sophisticated Dorkiness, We Wanted to Be Writers, Indie Reader Houston, Muse, The New Dork Review of Books, Dead White Guys, and Diane Prokop's blog.  If you don't vote for me, please consider dropping your ballot in one of their boxes.

Thanks from the bottom of my ever-lovin' heart.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. If I hadn't already voted for myself, I would definitely vote for you. Maybe there will be a tie and we'll both go. Good luck!

  3. Thanks, WGL!

    And thanks for your encouragement as well, Diane. There are so many great blogs out there to choose from--including yours. Good luck to to all of us!

  4. You KNOW I want you to come to BEA. And we have a guest room. Voted (for you, that is).


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